International Northair Mines Ltd.
International Northair Mines Ltd.International Northair Mines Ltd. Last: $0.05    High: $0.05    Low: $0.04    Chg: +0.02    Vol: 57200
International Northair Mines Ltd.
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 June 25, 2008
International Northair Intersects 120.4 metres of 100.9 g/t silver with Second Drill Program at El Reventon Project, Mexico

 International Northair Mines Ltd. (TSXV: INM) (the "Company" or "Northair") is pleased to announce assay results from a second phase drill program recently completed at the El Reventon Project, located in the state of Durango, Mexico. The drill program, totaling 2,170 metres in 17 reverse circulation drill holes, was successful in further exploring and expanding the Reventon Breccia. The zone, which had no previous drilling until acquired by the Company in 2007, has now been tested by 21 drill holes.

Twelve of the 15 holes from the current program at the Reventon Breccia intersected significant silver values. Highlights include 91.4 metres of 87 g/t silver containing an intercept of 19.8 metres of 176.4 g/t sliver; and 80.8 metres of 71.9 g/t silver containing an intercept of 7.6 metres of 234.5 g/t silver. Results of the Company's second drill program are summarized in the following tables:

Reventon Breccia Drill Intercept Summary - Phase 2
HOLE Bearing From
RC-08-03 - 90 NSV          
RC-08-04 - 90 73.2 79.2 6.1 54.8 0.32 0.98
and   89.9 94.5 4.6 88.3 0.68 0.79
RC-08-05 - 60/N20W 51.8 64.0 12.2 149.0 1.01 1.55
And   102.1 106.7 4.6 107.7 0.44 0.99
and   112.8 128.0 15.2 82.9 0.25 0.88
RC-08-06 - 90 NSV          
RC-08-07 - 90 NSV          
RC-08-08 - 60/N20W 21.3 57.9 36.6 108.9 0.82 1.45
includes   21.3 50.3 29.0 124.0 0.94 1.66
and   82.3 115.8 33.5 124.2 0.56 0.63
and   129.5 149.4 19.8 82.2 0.52 0.60
includes   137.2 149.4 12.2 94.3 0.64 0.80
and   13.7 167.6 153.9 77.0 0.46 0.61
RC-08-09 - 90 NSV          
RC-08-10 - 90 36.6 39.6 3.0 108.0 0.58 0.19
and   48.8 50.3 1.5 106.0 0.29 0.83
RC-08-11 - 90 25.9 39.6 13.7 85.3 0.53 0.37
and   25.9 132.6 106.7 71.3 0.33 1.08
includes   97.5 132.6 35.1 149.4 0.58 2.90
RC-08-12 - 90 0.0 19.8 19.8 62.7 0.85 0.99
and   45.7 47.2 1.5 103.0 0.05 0.11
RC-08-13 - 90 0.0 120.4 120.4 100.9 0.59 1.03
includes   10.7 18.3 7.6 244.4 1.58 0.52
includes   88.4 120.4 32.0 227.1 1.00 2.49
RC-08-14 - 75/N45E 0.0 91.4 91.4 87.0 0.47 0.65
includes   12.2 30.5 18.3 113.1 0.62 1.61
includes   71.6 91.4 19.8 176.4 0.63 0.47
RC-08-15 - 75/N45E 44.2 47.2 3.0 298.8 0.01 0.03
and   80.8 83.8 3.0 166.4 1.36 1.36
and   137.2 144.8 7.6 81.8 0.78 1.44
RC-08-16 - 75/N45E 0.0 80.8 80.8 71.9 0.53 0.94
includes   0.0 27.4 27.4 107.0 0.82 1.78
above includes   19.8 27.4 7.6 234.5 1.72 1.13
includes   38.1 50.3 12.2 91.9 0.93 0.76
includes   74.7 80.8 6.1 112.5 0.52 2.16
RC-08-17 - 90 82.3 91.4 9.1 141.5 1.39 1.19

These results have greatly increased the Company's understanding of the Reventon Breccia which has mineralization related to a moderately north to northeast dipping diorite porphyry breccia that intrudes andesite volcanics. The porphyry is only exposed on surface in an erosional window within the volcanics measuring approximately 70 by 70 metres. The two drill programs have outlined a much larger irregular zone of altered diorite porphyry concealed by the volcanics. Alteration and mineralization appear to increase to the north and northeast, as well as the apparent true thickness of the zone, which varies from 40 to 120 metres. All drill site locations were conducted from existing roads -- necessitating some angle holes due to topography. Although drill holes to the south and directly east of the surface exposure of the breccia did not return significant silver grades, exploration potential to the southeast remains encouraging, as evidenced by Hole RC-08-17 which bottomed in 9.1 metres of 141.5 g/t silver.

Two holes were also completed at the Los Alisos Zone, which is located approximately 500 metres south of the Reventon Breccia. The Los Alisos Zone contains a diorite porphyry having a geochemical signature similar to the Reventon Breccia. Further work will be necessary to evaluate the significance of the zone. Results are listed below:

Los Alisos Zone Drill Intercept Summary
RC-08-01 NSV          
RC-08-02 7.6 24.4 16.8 34.4 0.50 2.46

A drill plan and sections are available in Northair's website at The Company is very pleased with the program to date and is presently planning its next course of action for the property.

Northair maintains a quality control program using best industry practices consistent with National Instrument 43-101. The program is under the supervision of Mr. Jim Robinson, Vice President of the Company who is a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101. All technical information is obtained and reported within a formal quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) program. Sampling was done on 5-foot intervals, with two 50/50% splits prepared for each interval. Approximately 5% of the sealed samples submitted to the laboratory were blanks or standards. Assaying was done by Inspectorate Labs, who retrieved the samples bags from the property. Sample preparation was carried out at their Durango facility with assaying performed at their analytical lab in Sparks, Nevada. Assaying was performed by Aqua Regia Digest and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy finish. Silver values greater than 200 g/t were re-assayed by Fire Assay methods with a Gravimetric finish.

The El Reventon Project is located in the highly prospective Sierra Madre Occidental mineral belt of Mexico, approximately 170 kilometres northwest of the city of Durango. The company owns the majority of the land position and can acquire a 60 hectare internal concession by paying US$ 150,000 over a four year period.

Northair also maintains an active generative exploration program throughout Mexico, and anticipates drilling to occur on its La India and Sierra Rosario properties later in the year.


"Fred G. Hewett"
Fred G. Hewett, P.Eng.
President & CEO

For further information please contact Fred Hewett, President or Chris Curran, Investor Relations
at 604-687-7545 or 1-888-338-2200

Website: Email: [email protected]

The TSX Venture Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release. This news release may contain forward looking statements which are not historical facts, such as ore reserve estimates, anticipated production or results, sales, revenues, costs, or discussions of goals and exploration results, and involves a number of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, metal price volatility, volatility of metals production, project development, ore reserve estimates, future anticipated reserves and cost engineering estimate risks, geological factors and exploration results. See the Company's AIF Report and filings for a more detailed discussion of factors that may impact expected results.

You can view the Next News Releases item: Tue Aug 12, 2008, Northair Reports 34.8 Metres of 192 g/t Silver From Trenching at Sierra Rosario Project, Mexico; Drill Program Planned

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