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The Northair GroupINMNews Releases
Sparton Confirms High Grade Gold and Silver Mineralization at Sierra Rosario Property, Mexico
April 26, 2005

International Northair Mines Ltd. (TSXV:INM) (“the Company”) is pleased to announce that Sparton Resources Inc. (SRI-TSX Venture) (“Sparton”) has reported to the Company, results from Sparton’s initial sampling and mapping program recently completed at the Sierra Rosario Project in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. Sparton is earning a 51% interest in the property by paying Northair $130,000 (Cdn.) in cash, issuing 275,000 common shares and incurring $800,000 (Cdn.) in exploration expenditures over a four year period.

The five week field program involved a combination of geological mapping of the principal mineral zones, soil, and stream sediment sampling, and reconnaissance prospecting to explore other areas of the property. Over 1000 samples were collected with high grade gold–silver mineralization encountered in three separate zones.

Analyses were done by ALS Chemex’s Laboratories in Hermosillo Mexico using Induced Coupled Plasma (ICP) techniques for a 34 element group, and Atomic Absorption (AA) methods for gold and silver. AA with a gravimetric finish was used for higher grade gold and silver samples.

The analytical results confirm the presence of high grade gold and silver mineralization in the southern, central and northern parts of the property. Each of three separate zones of mineralization explored by Sparton, referred to as La Josca, Las Tahunas and San Rafael, are areas of historical production from small underground and open cut excavations. The La Josca and Las Tahunas zones of mineralization, which contain free gold, are at least partly responsible for the widespread placer gold occurrences in the south part of the property.

La Josca Zone

This is a shear zone - vein system in altered Cretaceous lower volcanic series rocks located in the southern part of the property. It is approximately 40 metres wide and mineralization is associated with quartz and quartz carbonate – magnetite - hematite veins and pyritic shears. A gold in soil anomaly over 200 metres long and open towards the northwest is associated with the La Josca Zone.

Highlights of the La Josca sample results are as follows:

Sample No.

Type / Width

Au g/t

Ag g/t



Chip 20cm



In old mine cut


Chip, 4.0m



12m from above sample


Chip, 4.0m





Chip, 4.0m



0.3%Cu, 0.2%Pb, .2%Zn


Float in creek



Below workings

Due to the age of the workings at La Josca stripping will be required to properly expose the zone. Anomalous soil samples along a 200 metre zone contain from 30 to 841 ppb gold, and up to 6.200g/t silver. The anomalous zone is open to the northwest and will be extended in future field programs.

Las Tahunas Zone

This area is located in the central part of the property, and is historically reported to be a high grade occurrence hosted in a quartz vein system containing coarse free gold. The old workings, which are mostly overgrown or collapsed, occur in lower volcanic series andesites.

Grab samples, representative of the mineralization taken from local waste piles assayed as follows.

Sample No.


Au g/t

Ag g/t



























Soil sampling on a regular grid along strike from the workings outlined a strong anomaly with values for gold from 30-456 ppb gold and up to 11,800 ppb silver. Further sampling will be necessary to fully delineate the zone.

San Rafael Zone

Located in the northern part of the property, the San Rafael area contains several zones of gold-silver and related base metal mineralization hosted in altered rhyolite porphyry intruding limestone and upper series tuff-ignimbrite units. Values are found in breccia zones, quartz vein systems, and skarn near the upper intrusive contact and within the intrusive itself. This area was historically mined with a small open pit and several trenches and tunnels along a 200 metre strike length. A large waste pile is present and was systematically sampled with 89 composite samples each representing a 2 metre length of the pile. The average gold value for these was 0.89 g/t and 50% of the samples contained over 100g/t silver. Values as high as 13g/t gold and 711 g/t silver have been obtained from this material. Chip sampling from exposures in this area were previously reported by the Company, with 23 samples averaging 0.32 g/t gold and 181 g/t silver.

Soil sampling coverage extended well beyond the mined area and included the upslope areas to the north and west of the workings. The 250 metre by 175 metre soil anomaly extends upwards into the upper contact zone of the intrusive with the tuffs and limestone, and also covers a mineralized breccia, in the intrusion. It is open to the northwest. Silver values in the soil samples away from the waste dumps often exceed 100 ppm as well.

Sparton’s exploration program in Mexico is being carried out under the direct supervision of A. Lee Barker, P.Eng., P.Geol., the Company’s President and CEO who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101.

These property results are considered highly encouraging to both Sparton and Northair and clearly show that the project area hosts potentially commercial grade precious metal mineralization. A field team is being mobilized in late April to begin geophysical surveys and extend the soil survey coverage in each of the three areas. The results of this program will be used to plan for drilling later this year.

Elsewhere in Mexico, Northair’s exploration is progressing at the Las Moras Project, and the Company is continuing its generative program focussing in the Sierra Madre Occidental. We will keep shareholders informed as we look forward to positive results from our diverse Mexican property portfolio.



“Fred G. Hewett”


Fred G. Hewett, P.Eng.


FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE COMPANY AT 1-604-687-7545 or Toll Free 1-888-338-2200

Website: www.northair.com/international/ Email: [email protected]

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